Shutter – 2004

Banjong Pisanthanakun and Parkpoom Wongpoom directed Shutter in such a way that it gives you jump scares throughout the entire film. An important feature of this film is its malleability. It easily mixes with various genres such as thriller and mystery.  Different directors have various mechanisms to portray their story for instance not to show anything until the very end which builds suspense in the audience. However, in Shutter, the image of the ghost appears at the very beginning when Tun was clicking some pictures in a convocation setting.

After leaving the party, he and his girlfriend Jane get into a car accident. She hits a young woman. With much fear instilled in both of them. They drive away, leaving the girl lying on the road. This part of the movie got me thinking  ” Girl why are you doing this to yourself? You do know that young girl is gonna haunt you to death!”

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The guilt of hitting the young women tormented Jane. As the movie goes on, a silhouette of a woman starts to appear in Tun’s pictures. Jane experienced eerie incidents in the darkroom too.

Suspicious Jane, went on to further link the women in the picture to be the victim of the accident. Tun was contracted with severe neck pain ever since the accident. to his astonishment upon a checkup with the doctor, his weight doubled from his initial weight.

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Jane discovers that the girl was Natre , a bashful young woman who had attended the same college as Tun. Upon confronting Tun, he admits that he and Natre were in a relationship, which was kept unknown to others including his friends.  Despite Natre being immensely in love with Tun, he broke ties with her.

As we further move on to Shutter it gets rather nerve-racking and creepy. Tun and Jane visit Natre’s mother. They discover the decaying body of Natre in her bedroom. It came into their senses that Natre had committed suicide.

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Once Jane and Tun were back in Bangkok, she finds a set of negatives hidden behind the bookcase. She finds photographs in which Tun’s friends were sexually assaulting Natre. Disgusted with acts of Tun and his friends, Jane realised that   Natre tried to warn her. Tun admits he was the one who had taken those photos. Peer pressure was the cause for Tun to capture such pictures.  Jane decides to leaves him.

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Knowing that tun was haunted by Natre, in anger he throws the camera across the room.  Tun’s eyes then get covered by Natre making him unable to see, making him lose balance and fall out of the window.

The common trait seen in Natre is that she was well matched with the typical Asian ghost which every director portrays it to be. Long loose white dress, frizzy and long hair.



The final scene shows a bandaged Tun in a hospital bed. jane came to visit Tun, however, this particular scene caught me off-guard. As the door swings closed behind Jane, the glass reflection shows Natre still sitting on his shoulders. Honestly, that specific scene sent chills down my spine.

Overall it is a film filled with a plethora of emotions. Unlike typically Hollywood horror film where you know what is oming up for you, Shutter keeps you engrossed throughout the entire film. There were jump scares, crestfallen moments when Tun left Natre and ” Why would you do that?” moments.  A great movie and will definitely watch it again!

Catch you next with some touch of glitz and glamour of Bollywood!






7 thoughts on “Shutter – 2004

  1. I like how you pointed out the question of “why is the girl doing this to herself that she do not release that the young girl will haunt her to death?” As the movie goes on, I also thought that the ghost will haunt her cause of the accident. However, we all had got it wrong. The reason why we thought so is because we know that we are watching a horror film, so automatically we will relate it with the accident and the female protagonist, and predicting the next scene ourselves. However, the director didn’t fail us when it come towards the ending. All in all, I agree with what you have mentioned above, “Unlike the typically Hollywood horror film where you know what is coming up for you”.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Nisha!
    I love how u input your own emotions while writing this review. Nice pointing that this film consists of different genre such as thriller and mystery (Not just horror). The directors really had us going through some real good adrenaline pump. Likewise, I thought that the girl which Jane knocked down was haunting them. However as time goes by, we realised that we were duped by the directors. This allows the viewers to go figure out the mystery along the way.
    From the common traits seen by Natre, she was well matched with the typical Asian ghost which every director portrays it to be. Long loose white dress, frizzy and long hair. In my opinion, I guess girls are usually depicted this way as they are reckon to be “weaker” as human form, and would come back to take their revenge etc. Girls are able to pull the roles off better partly due to the long hair, bloody gowns, covered faces, higher pitch screams etc.
    Good job Nisha ! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow! I have not watched this movie but I feel like there is more to it than just horror after reading your review! Think I have to watch it really soon! Also, after reading your opening, I would have predicted that Natre would haunt Jane but did not expect a different outcome. I never expected that Natre actually wanted to warn Jane about Tun. You talked about the final scene that gave you the chills and I can imagine the creepiness of it. The picture you included speaks a lot for itself! Although you mentioned the amount of jump scares in the film, i still feel that i have to watch it really soon! Good job!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Like the comment above, I too had thought that the reason why Jane and Tun were haunted by this spirit because they had knocked her over and left her lying on the street. But then, plot twist! It’s actually his ex and then it wasn’t ‘her’ that they had run over, but her spirit. Which made me question the plot: to what length Natre would go to get her revenge on Tun where your post has answered, until the day Tun dies, he will continually be tortured by Natre. It really is unlike a typical Hollywood horror film where it isn’t all that predictable. So kudos for pointing that out! Looking forward to your next post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I had the same reaction when they decided to leave Natre’s body behind and keep driving instead of helping her. I even felt quite angry that they would do such a thing and for a brief moment thought that they deserved the haunting by Natre! Of course, the movie took a surprising turn when it was revealed that Natre’s true intention for haunting Jane was not because of she hit her, but that she was sending a warning to Jane about Tun and his friends’ immoral actions in the past. Natre’s ghost in the movie indeed had a typical appearance as other Asian ghosts, especially with the long hair. Perhaps long hair is a representation of feminity in the Asian region, hence a female ghost would follow through with long hair. Another interesting review, keep it up! Can’t wait to read your thoughts on Bollywood films.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Nisha! Initially, I also thought that the spirit that was haunting Tun and Jane was actually the spirit of the girl that Jane had run over during the first part of the movie. Who would have thought that there was way more depth to the story of Natre’s haunting. It is true that Shutter is indeed different from other typical Hollywood films, that are usually based on demonic entities. And good job in pointing out the appearance of the ghost! In Asian horror stories and folklore, the ghosts usually have a similar look – loose white clothing; long pitch black hair covering the face; blood-shot eyes. It might be something that is expected when you watch an Asian horror movie, but hey, it does scare the crap out you still! Overall, I did enjoy this film very much!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hihi!
    I had the same thoughts as you when they banged the girl and just irresponsibly drive off. I thought it would be a ‘hit and run; you killed me I haunt you kind of show. Not until they start showing bit and pieces of Natre’s story and I am caught by surprise of how it actually all turns out to be. I do agree with your observation on the common trait of female ghosts, you know how it looks like but it still scares you anyway. But, I guess what made it different was that this ghost had a story behind and a heart perhaps. She actually tried to warn Jane of Tun. Is it so called behind every successful woman(Jane) is a tribe of other successful women (Natres) who have her back? I am equally scarred by the last scene as well and I believe Tun got his well-deserved retribution, a guilt on his back forever. All in all, it is a well-written review and great job in pointing out the difference between this and Hollywood horror films! Indeed, why would you do that and not watch shutter! Can’t wait to catch the glitz and glamour on your next post!


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